Sunday, November 12, 2017

Week 14 November 14-17

Team Urban,

I hope you had a relaxing extended weekend.  Monday there is no school, as I will be meeting with several wonderful families to review your student progress for the first trimester. Please keep in mind that our conference time slots are 20 min each. To be respectful to everyone, please be on time and understand there are scheduled meetings that follow your time slot.

Last week we had our Apex fun run.  You still have time to generate donations from the previous parent square email.  Here are some pictures of the Fun Run.

To further drive our instructional needs towards mastery on end of year state testing, we will be completing the Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) for ELA and math this week. Please understand that these IAB's assessments are to drive instruction and will not be recored on your child's report card however; you will see their scores on the December assessment log. Since IAB's will be given this week we will not have spelling words/test. Also, please pack extra snacks so your kiddo may snack during assessment time. YAY!

Due Daily: Math facts
Due on Friday:
60 minutes (3 entries) in Reading Log 
"Turn In" Google Classroom 2nd trimester goal writing

Continue reading: Wonder
Conventions: commas, exclamation marks and question marks in dialogue 
Writing: finish narrative  
Spelling: none    :) 

Finish Topic #5: Fluently multiply and divide within 100 

Dates to Remember: 
Monday, November 13th: Conferences, No School 
Monday, November 13th - Friday, December 1st: Break from Electives, Second Session, Success Academy  
Monday, November 13th - Friday, November 17th: Book Fair @ CSC
Thursday, November 16th: Topic #5 assessment  
Thursday, November 16th: CSC End of Trimester Assembly 11:30am - 12:30pm
Friday, November 17th: 3rd Grade Feast 12pm - 1pm 
Monday, November 20th - Friday, November 24th: Thanksgiving Break
Monday, December 11th: Grandparents Day from 8:00am - 11:00am

Monday, December 11th: Winter Performance from 5:00pm - 6:30pm

Have a great week Team Urban