Sunday, October 2, 2016

Week of Oct. 3rd

Greetings Families,

Happy October everyone! I hope you are all having a relaxing weekend! Please continue to checkout your kiddo's math assessment scores through their Pearson account. On Monday students will take the Pretest for Topic 4.  It will automatically push assignments to them in areas they will need to extend their learning for Topic 4.

Just a reminder, we will be going on a field trip on October 28th to the Escondido Animal Park (Safari Zoo). We are encouraging parents to drive because we will only be taking one bus. We are also encouraging everyone to donate to Dollar-a-Day as this helps provide for our field trip expenses. Be on the lookout for a permission slip which will coming home soon. I will be asking for 5 chaperones for the field trip.  Please indicate on the permission slip that you are willing to chaperon a small group of 5 students.  If there are more than 5 parents wishing to chaperone, I will randomly pick 5.  If not chosen, you will still be able to attend, however, you will need to pay your own entrance fee and remain with your child's assigned chaperone.

Our focus this week will be:

  1. Continue reading About Earth. We will focus the author's use of facts and details to support main idea. We will look at a text to see how illustrations and text features convey main idea and details. We will also discuss cause and effect to better understand scientific ideas within our text.  
  2. Spelling: V/CV, VC/V
  3. Conventions: articles as adjectives, comparative and superlative adjectives, and coordinating conjunctions.
  4. Writing: informative essay 
Math - Begin Topic #4
  1. Relate multiplication and division
  2. Use multiplication to divide with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
  3. Multiplication patterns: even and odd numbers
  4. We also continue our Fact Master multiplication tests. It is imperative students study these at home nightly for a few minutes for successful mastery of their multiplication facts.
Science: Moon and Earth

Leader of the week: Brooklynn Hinkle
Homework has really improved over the past few weeks. Please remind your kiddo to write the date in their Reading Log. Our class had two members receive a homework pass for September for completing all their homework, even Spanish! GREAT JOB!!!! This week the banker, and I, will be paying the kiddos for their Leader Behavior Chart and classroom jobs. This money will be used to purchase items during class market later this trimester.

Due every day:  -Reading 15 minutes (put on reading log date and sign)
           -Daily Fact Practice paper

Due on Friday:  -Writing submitted on Moby Max
                                  -Spelling words practice page

Writing Homework: Read the article sent home in homework folder about Saving Hawaiian Monk Seals. (also a link on Moby Max too.) Identify the main idea and supporting details.  With that information, students will write one paragraph in their own words with those key elements. Students, If you cite evidence from the text, cite correctly with a sentence starter and quotation marks.  

Spelling: 16-20 Challenge words
  1. finish
  2. pilot
  3. even
  4. wagon
  5. music
  6. silent
  7. rapid
  8. female
  9. lemon
  10. pupil
  11. focus
  12. robot
  13. tulip
  14. camel
  15. salad
  16. resident
  17. spinach
  18. climate
  19. tradition
  20. innocent
Have a great week!
Mrs. Urban